Is Persil Septic Safe?

Your septic tank is pretty sensitive. It can only handle so many harsh products before it stops working.

Landry detergents are among the common products that introduce toxic chemicals to septic systems.

These end up killing useful bacteria in the tank resulting in backups, clogging of pipes, and sludge build-up.

The good news is that not all laundry detergents are bad for your septic system.

Some have biodegradable, surfactant-free, plant-based, and low-sudsing formulae.

Where does the beloved Persil fall?

Well, Persil products are great and all but they have their fair share of ingredients that harm septic systems. These include surfactants, dyes, fragrances, phosphates, ammonia, and bleach among others.

In light of this, the Persil Free & Sensitive Laundry Detergent is safer than other products in the Persil Catalog.

Granted, it contains surfactants and other harsh products but they are low in concentration compared to its counterparts.

Is the Persil ProClean Stain Fighter septic safe?

This strongly scented stain lifter from Persil is one of the most popular Persil products in many homes.

It is often listed on major publications as an effective laundry detergent.

It can lift stubborn stains including those from foundation makeup, browned butter, and spaghetti sauce.

It’s also revered for its intense scent which stays on clothes for days.

Sadly, the ProClean Stain Fighter is not septic-safe. You can guess why.

It has a strong fragrance, meaning it utilizes a high concentration of fragrant compounds. These aren’t so friendly to septic tank bacteria.

It also contains other harmful chemicals that will end up killing bacteria in your septic tank.

Is Persil ProClean Sensitive Skin septic safe?

As mentioned before, this is the number one Persil product as far as the safety of your septic system goes.

For one, it has the mildest scent in the catalog. That means a lower concentration of fragrance compounds.

Sure, it may not make your clothes smell amazing for as long as you desire but your septic system will thank you for using it.

The formulation is also not as heavy on destructive chemicals as other laundry detergents.

 Keep in mind that this detergent doesn’t necessarily use plant-based ingredients but the ones utilized are milder than most in its category.

Are Persil Laundry Discs Septic Safe?

Besides liquid detergents, Persil also sells laundry discs for people looking for lightweight detergent options.

These are compact pods that you can easily transport from one point to another.

 They are also pre-measured thus eliminating the temptation to overdose your laundry.

The pods are almost similar in formulation to liquid detergents except they have less water.

The bulk of it contains cleaning agents, suds reducers, solvents, and MEA salts.

 The discs also have a non-biodegradable wrapping made of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) – a plastic that doesn’t degrade in the septic tank.

This results in the clogging of your pipes and tank.

Both of these reasons make the Persil laundry discs a bad product for your septic system.

Are Persil Concentrated Detergents Septic Safe?

Finally, Persil concentrated detergents are great when you are looking for twice the power of their regular detergent counterparts.

They are infused with more cleaning agents to boost their effectiveness. 

Unfortunately, the increased chemical concentrations only mean trouble for your septic system.


Knowing which product is safe for your septic tank and which isn’t takes is vital.

Persil products clean your clothes seamlessly and leave them smelling great.

However, a big majority of them are toxic for your septic tank.

Swap them for septic-safe products or use them sparingly if you must.