If you own a septic tank, you understand its importance for your home.
As such, you should try to always keep it in optimal condition.
It all starts with having all the necessary information on the working of your septic system.
Doing this will help you catch trouble before it spreads and causes more issues.
Let’s zoom in on a small component in your septic tank basin: the pump float switch
By definition, this is a piece of equipment used to monitor the effluent levels in a septic tank.
It works hand in hand with the effluent pump. When the switch closes, the effluent pump will start to pump effluent out of the tank. Once the level drops below a certain limit, the circuit will open causing the pump to stop.
Like other parts of the septic tank, the pump float switch is bound to malfunction from time to time.
When it does, you should know what to do to fix it.
Here’s a list of the common septic tank pump float switch problems along with their solutions.
Sticking Float Switch
A sticking float switch is one that doesn’t stay in its designated position because of careless installation or any other reason.
Instead of assuming its position in the tank, the switch will stick to specific wires in the tank.
Over time, it will stop signaling the effluent pump to turn off the effluent pump.
If it is meant to alert the homeowner of backups, it will equally stop doing that.
The solution to this problem is to inspect the location of the electric wires in the tank.
Those leading from the pump switch should be securely attached in a way that the floats aren’t moving freely.
If anything is amiss, lower the hook attached to the pump below the switch.
Now raise and lower the float switch and confirm if any wire obstructs its movement.
Debris Around The Switch Housing
Besides sticking on wires, a float switch can also get stuck under a cloud of debris.
The top of a septic tank typically consists of a thick scum layer.
If the tank isn’t cleaned for a long time, the debris can get stuck in the float switch housing.
To solve the problem, check the float switch and determine if it is stuck in debris.
In the event that it is, get rid of the debris then readjust the weights and floats.
When cleaning the float switch wires, be sure to use a dry towel and not a wet one.
Faulty Pump Switch
Another common problem with most septic tank pumps is faulty switches.
You can tell your switch needs replacement if the pump runs well on an actuate switch but won’t run on your float switch.
Look for melted or burned components, lots of black discoloration and deformation.
The problem can only be solved by replacing the float switch altogether.
Incorrect Configuration Of The Switch
Installing a float switch is not an easy undertaking for the average individual.
Even some pros sometimes fail to get it right.
During installation, the switch can be configured incorrectly.
If you installed the switch yourself, consider reading its product manual one or two more times.
This will help point out where there are problems.
Correct what needs to be corrected and your switch should act normally again.
Using The Wrong Switch Rating
Not all pump float switches are rated equally.
Some can handle high electric ratings than others.
If you install a switch and feed a load that is too high, you risk damaging the switch contacts.
Additionally, the current will destroy the leads and prevent them from coming together again.
It is also possible for the heat to melt the contacts and make it impossible for the switch to interrupt the circuit.
This will compromise the whole thing permanently.
The solution is to use a switch that is rated for the intended purpose.
Incorrect Design
Apart from its electric load rating, the design of a float switch also matters with regard to its functionality.
The design captures both the mechanical configuration of the switch and the material used to fabricate it.
The wrong switch design may work but only in the long term.
Why waste money replacing your float switch regularly when you can get the right design that will last a long time?
Get the pros to help you with this.
When metal comes in contact with water, it will eventually rust.
Even the most rust-resistant switch will corrode at some point.
See, the pump float goes up and down a rod. If the rod catches rust, the function of the float will be negatively affected.
If you know your sump pump manufacturer, ask if they can give your replacement parts from an authorized service center.
If not, try cleaning the switch rods yourself.
Use sandpaper to sand the rust off the rod and grease it before placing it in the pump basin.
Remember to put on proper PPEs for your eyes and lungs.
Poor Maintenance
Correct installation of a pump float switch goes a long way in its longevity and optimal performance.
However, without proper maintenance, you are bound to run into issues with the sump pump and switch.
Most homeowners with septic tanks forget to carry out regular and proper maintenance of this all-important part of the septic system.
In the end, the switch will be damaged, unclean, and corroded – all of which affect its function in one way or another.
To avoid these issues, be sure to do your due diligence when it comes to the maintenance of your switch.
Read through your manual if you have to. Ask the pros for pointers.
If you cannot carry out maintenance by yourself, consider asking your local plumber to help.
Final Thoughts
A septic pump switch is pretty important. It turns on and off according to the level of effluent in your septic tank.
Without it, your pump will run non-stop and will undoubtedly burn out in the process.
To avoid a costly mistake, always anticipate problems in the float switch so you can solve them at their early stages.
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